Domestic benchmark indices snapped their 6-day gaining streak on Thursday as headline indices ended flat with a negative bias after a volatile trading session. S&P BSE Sensex closed 51.73 points or 0.09% lower at 58,298 while the NSE nifty 50 index slipped 6.15 points or 0.04% to settle at 17,382. Sun Pharma jumped 2.46% to …
Electric vehicle push reshaping energy, auto sectors on D-Street, led by Reliance Industries and Adani Group
By Vaibhav Agrawal The ever-rising carbon footprint will damage the world permanently, and what’s even more concerning is that India stands 3rd on the list of ‘Top 10 Polluting Countries’ after China and the US. The after-effects of pollution can already be felt in the air and our bodies. As we all know, the climate …