Indian equity markets are likely to open in the red amid, hinted SGX Nifty. Nifty futures traded 49.5 pts, or 0.28% lower at 17,440.50 on the Singapore Exchange, signalling that Dalal Street was headed for a negative start. In the previous session, BSE Sensex tanked 872 points or 1.46%, to end below the 59,000, while …
Sona Comstar posts record quarterly profit of Rs 124 crore in Q2 FY2024
Sona BLW Precision Forgings (Sona Comstar) a leading tier 1 supplier has announced its financial results for Q2 FY2024 and H1 FY2024. In Q2 the revenue came at Rs 791 crore, up 20% YoY, EBITDA at Rs 223 crore, up 35% YoY and net profit of Rs 124 crore, up 34% YoY. This the company …