The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) deputy governor, T Rabi Shankar, on Wednesday underlined the need to improve the level of transparency and increase the speed at which information and data in the corporate bond market move. This can be effected by elevating such disclosures akin to those maintained in the government market securities, he …
Fairfax-backed Go Digit General Insurance files IPO papers with Sebi
Go Digit General Insurance Ltd, backed by Canada-based Fairfax Group, has filed preliminary papers with markets regulator Sebi to garner funds through an initial public offering (IPO). The IPO comprises fresh issuance of equity shares worth Rs 1,250 crore and an offer-for-sale (OFS) of 10,94,45,561 equity shares by a promoter and existing shareholders, according to …
M1xchange looks to double its business in FY24
M1xchange, one of the three Reserve Bank of India (RBI) recognised online invoice discounting and financing platforms, is eyeing nearly Rs 45,000 crore in throughput value in the current financial year, higher than Rs 23,100 crore in FY23, CEO Sundeep Mohindru told FE. Throughput value is the overall value of bills/invoices discounted or financed on …