The Indian rupee is expected to depreciate on Friday amid expectations of weak macroeconomic data from India. CPI year-on-year is expected to drop from 7.01% to 6.78%. Additionally, industrial production is expected to drop from 19.6% to 10.7%. USDINR (August) is likely to trade in a range of 79.70-79.90, according to ICICIDirect. In the previous …
Jabalpur Cantt Madhya Pradesh Assembly Constituency Election 2023: Date of Result, Voting, Counting; Candidates
As anticipation mounts for the upcoming Jabalpur Cantt Constituency Election in Madhya Pradesh, voters are eagerly awaiting the big battle that kicks off with the announcement of key dates by the Election Commission of India. Here, we provide you with essential details about the Jabalpur Cantt Constituency Assembly Election 2023 that every voter should be …