Indian equity markets are likely to open in the red amid, hinted SGX Nifty. Nifty futures traded 49.5 pts, or 0.28% lower at 17,440.50 on the Singapore Exchange, signalling that Dalal Street was headed for a negative start. In the previous session, BSE Sensex tanked 872 points or 1.46%, to end below the 59,000, while …
DCGI approves MSD India’s drug to treat triple-negative breast cancer and renal cell carcinoma
MSD (known as Merck in U.S. and Canada) recently announced that the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) has approved KEYTRUDA (pembrolizumab), MSD’s anti-PD-1 therapy, for the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer and renal cell carcinoma in adults. KEYTRUDA has been approved for high-risk early-stage and metastatic triple-negative breast cancer for select patients who are …